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September 15, 2022 Posted by: Immanuel Navin

Drupal Security: Top Vulnerabilities and How to Steer clear Of The Threats

Drupal Security: Top Vulnerabilities and How to Steer clear Of The Threats

Drupal is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, used by millions of people around the world. While it is a great platform, it does have its share of security vulnerabilities. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the top Drupal security threats and how you can avoid them. We will also discuss how to stay safe while using Drupal. So, if you are using Drupal or are considering using it, then this blog post is for you!

What is Drupal Security?

Drupal security refers to the security of the Drupal CMS platform and its websites. Drupal is a very popular platform, used by millions of people around the world. However, because it is so popular, it is also a target for hackers and other cybercriminals. While Drupal does have some built-in security measures, such as user permissions and password encryption, it is still vulnerable to attack. This is why it is important to take extra security measures when using Drupal, such as installing security modules and using secure passwords.

What Are The Top Drupal Security Threats?

There are many different types of security threats that can target Drupal websites. However, some threats are more common than others. Below, we will take a look at some of the most common Drupal security threats:

SQL Injection

SQL injection is one of the most common types of attacks on Drupal websites. This type of attack allows hackers to inject malicious SQL code into a website, which can then be used to access sensitive data or even take control of the website. To protect against SQL injection, it is important to keep your Drupal website up to date and to use modules that can help to protect against this type of attack.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Another common type of attack on Drupal websites is cross-site scripting (XSS). This type of attack allows hackers to inject malicious code into a website, which can then be executed by unsuspecting users. This can lead to the disclosure of sensitive information or even the execution of malicious code on the user’s computer. To protect against XSS attacks, it is important to keep your Drupal website up to date and to use modules that can help to protect against this type of attack.

Denial of Service (DoS)

A denial of service attack (DoS) is a type of attack that can make a Drupal website unavailable to its users. This type of attack is usually carried out by overwhelming the website with traffic, which can cause the server to crash. To protect against DoS attacks, it is important to have a good hosting provider that can provide you with the resources you need to keep your website up and running.

Password Authentication Bypass

One of the most common types of attacks on Drupal websites is password authentication bypass. This type of attack allows hackers to gain access to a Drupal website without having to provide a valid username and password. To protect against this type of attack, it is important to use strong passwords and to avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

Out-of-date or Unpatched Software (Drupal 6, Drupal 7, Drupal 8)

One of the most common security threats to Drupal websites is out-of-date or unpatched software. This refers to any software that is not updated with the latest security patches. This can include Drupal itself, as well as any modules or themes that are used on a Drupal website. To protect against this type of threat, it is important to keep your Drupal website up to date with the latest security patches. If you are a Drupal 6, Drupal 7, or Drupal 8 user, it is time to update your website to Drupal 9. As for Drupal 9 users, it is important to update your website on a regular basis.

How to Steer Clear of These Threats?

There are a few things that you can do to avoid these threats:

Install security modules:

There are many security modules available for Drupal, which can help to protect your website against SQL injection, XSS, and other types of attacks.

Keep your Drupal website up to date: It is important to keep your Drupal website up to date, as new security vulnerabilities are often found in older versions of the software.

Use strong passwords:

When creating passwords for your Drupal website, it is important to use strong passwords that are difficult to guess. You should also avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

Install a firewall:

A firewall can help to protect your Drupal website from attacks by blocking incoming traffic that is known to be malicious.

Use a secure hosting provider:

It is important to use a secure hosting provider that can provide you with the resources you need to keep your website up and running.

Perform a regular performance/security/seo audit:

It is important to perform a regular performance/security/SEO audit of your Drupal website. This will help you to identify any potential security vulnerabilities and to take steps to fix them.

Use the Security Review module:

The Security Review module can help you to identify and fix common security vulnerabilities on your Drupal website.

Install the Secure Pages module:

The Secure Pages module can help to protect your website against password authentication bypass attacks.

Tailor user permissions:

It is important to tailor user permissions so that users only have access to the areas of the website that they need. This will help to reduce the chances of a successful attack.

Follow Drupal security advisories:

Drupal security advisories are released on a regular basis and provide information about new security vulnerabilities that have been found in Drupal. By following these advisories, you can take steps to protect your website against these vulnerabilities.

Hire a Drupal security expert:

If you are not confident in your ability to protect your Drupal website against these threats, you may want to consider hiring a Drupal security expert. These experts can help you to secure your website and to keep it up-to-date with the latest security patches.

DrupalPartners Security Experts

If you’re looking for a little extra help keeping your Drupal website secure, consider hiring one of our Drupal partners. Our partners are security experts who can help you to secure your website and to keep it up-to-date with the latest security patches. We love a good challenge because it allows us to be creative in our solutions. If you're looking for Drupal website help, shoot us an email with your objectives. One of our experts will reach out and come up with a strategy together.

Wrapping Up

Drupal security is a critical concern for website administrators. In this blog post, we’ve highlighted the top five Drupal vulnerabilities and how to steer clear of them. We also provided some tips on how to secure your Drupal site. If you need help implementing these measures, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of experts is more than happy to assist you in securing your website from potential threats.

