- READ TIME: 15 min, 25 sec
UPDATE: Wow! What a response! This article has been shared hundreds of times on social media and has been used by many of our customers. To keep it relevant, we've updated this blog post to reflect the release of Drupal 9 and changes in the industry. While you're here, make sure to check out our
July 14, 2024, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
CRO Audit
- READ TIME: 7 min, 61 sec
In the bustling world of digital marketing, standing out can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack. But what if you could transform your website into a powerful conversion machine? That’s where a conversion rate optimization (CRO) audit comes into play. This guide will walk you through an
June 26, 2024, Posted By: dpadmin
Migrating to Drupal 10
- READ TIME: 4 min, 40 sec
When to migrate to Drupal 10? This question is undoubtedly on the minds of Drupal 7, 8, or 9 users. With Drupal 8 and 9 having reached its end-of-life in November 2023 and Drupal 7 reaching end-of-life in January 2025, upgrading to Drupal 10 becomes increasingly urgent. Migrate now! In this
April 18, 2024, Posted By: dpadmin
What's New In Drupal 10 and What It Means To The Site Owners
- READ TIME: 4 min, 15 sec
As one of the leading flagship content management systems (CMS), Drupal strives to evolve with each major release, providing enriched experiences for developers, site owners, and end-users. In this blog post, we'll delve into the critical highlights of Drupal 10, its new features, and what they
February 20, 2024, Posted By: admin
Drupal 9 End of Life is Here. What to do next?
- READ TIME: 5 min, 20 sec
Introduction Drupal has become the most sought-after content management system that hundreds of thousands of website owners rely upon. As a robust and versatile content management system, Drupal has revolutionized the way businesses manage their websites. Over the years, Drupal has released a
November 21, 2023, Posted By: Sundar
Commonly Asked Questions About Drupal 10 Upgrade
- READ TIME: 6 min, 51 sec
Introduction Even Drupal specialists may need help converting Drupal 7 to Drupal 10. Drupal migration is a broad topic, and taking the proper steps to rebuild your website is critical to the success of your organization. So, if you're still using Drupal 7, you should be aware that Drupal 10 is
October 27, 2023, Posted By: Shruthi
Top 10 Enhancements in Drupal 10: A Next-Level Web Experience
- READ TIME: 28 min, 24 sec
Are you ready for a next-level web experience? Look no further than Drupal 10! With its game-changing enhancements, Drupal 10 is set to revolutionize the way we build and manage websites. Whether you're a marketer looking to optimize your online presence or a developer seeking innovative tools,
September 21, 2023, Posted By: Shruthi
What is the process of upgrading from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10?
- READ TIME: 5 min, 28 sec
Introduction Drupal, one of the most popular content management systems, has gone through significant updates over the years. If you are currently using Drupal 7, you may be wondering about the process of upgrading to the latest version, Drupal 10. Upgrading your Drupal website optimization can
September 21, 2023, Posted By: Shruthi
CMS Simplified: Streamlining Sales with Drupal
- READ TIME: 4 min, 31 sec
Introduction In today's competitive digital marketplace, businesses must find every possible advantage to drive sales and increase revenue. One key aspect of this is optimizing the conversion process turning website visitors into paying customers. Drupal, a powerful content management system, can
September 07, 2023, Posted By: Shruthi
Exploring Revenue Growth with Drupal's Roadmap
- READ TIME: 6 min, 21 sec
Introduction Businesses must navigate with precision and purpose in a digital ecosystem where visibility is currency. At the forefront of this digital revolution is Drupal—a CMS celebrated not just for its adaptability but for its robust capacity to drive organic growth. Experience the
September 07, 2023, Posted By: Shruthi