How to use marketing automation tools in Drupal to easily reach out to your target audience
- READ TIME: 6 min, 48 sec
Drupal is a robust platform that can help you easily manage your website and reach out to your target audience. But adding marketing automation tools can make it even more effective, allowing you to automate tasks like email campaigns and social media postings. This can save you time and energy,
May 23, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
How Drupal modules increase your website's conversion rate
- READ TIME: 6 min, 18 sec
If you've been using Drupal for a while, you know that it's a powerful platform with many modules and features. However, like any software, it can be improved with the right add-ons. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the best modules to improve your Drupal website's conversion rate. Keep in
May 05, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
Why & How to Migrate from WordPress to Drupal: The Steps and Advantages | DrupalPartners
- READ TIME: 9 min, 13 sec
Migrating your website from WordPress to Drupal can provide several benefits, including improved performance, scalability, and security. If you are a website owner or manage an eCommerce site, you may be considering a migration from WordPress to Drupal. While both platforms are popular content
May 04, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
How Google's Core Web Vitals Affect Your Website Ranking & Traffic in 2022
- READ TIME: 7 min, 14 sec
If you're running a website, it's essential to understand how Google's Core Web Vitals work and how they can affect your website ranking and traffic. This blog post will explain what Google's Core Web Vitals are and how they influence your site. We'll also provide hints on optimizing your website
April 26, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
How to migrate my Drupal 7 website to Drupal 9 - Debunking The Drupal 9 Myth!
- READ TIME: 15 min, 50 sec
Drupal is the most popular secure website platform in the United States, with education and government organizations as primary customers. Drupal has established an excellent reputation over the years due to its strong ability to create business and social media applications. In addition to the US
March 23, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
The Advanced Drupal SEO Checklist To Boost Website Traffic In 2022
- READ TIME: 12 min, 23 sec
Drupal is one of the world's most popular open-source content management systems. While it offers great flexibility and power, many SEO enhancements can be made to help boost website traffic. In this blog, we will outline an advanced Drupal SEO checklist that you can use to improve your website's
March 07, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
10 things you needed to know about Drupal 7's Extended End-of-Life
- READ TIME: 2 min, 61 sec
Drupal 7's End-of-Life date was scheduled for November 2022, but the Drupal Association has announced that it will be extended to November 1, 2023. This gives site owners and developers more time to transition their websites to Drupal 8 or a new platform. The Drupal Association is committed to
March 03, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
Drupal Partners Webinar On Migrating To Drupal 9
- READ TIME: 2 min, 63 sec
The news is out - Drupal 7 is reaching its end-of-life in November 2023, and Drupal 8 already ended in 2021. Around 65% of websites are still running on Drupal 7, and there is a dire need for them to move to Drupal 9 to prevent security threats, data loss, and scale up to match futuristic
February 15, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
What is the cost of moving from Drupal 7/8 to Drupal 9
- READ TIME: 3 min, 62 sec
Drupal 9 migration is the most discussed topic in 2022. With Drupal 7 extended to November 1, 2023 and Drupal 8 reaching end-of-life on November 2, 2021, it is time to leap to Drupal 9. Read more about Why Not To Continue On Drupal 7 and how to prepare. Drupal 9 migration has the potential to
February 14, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin
Top 12 Key Indicators Why Google Isn't Indexing Your Website
- READ TIME: 6 min, 41 sec
There are numerous reasons why Google isn't indexing your site, and this is not new, and you are not alone. Many issues may stop Google from indexing your web pages, and here are the prominent ones for your perusal. This article also uncovers the solutions you will need to fix, and when they are
January 12, 2022, Posted By: Immanuel Navin