Drupal Commerce eBook
- READ TIME: 1 min, 20 sec
Recently, we’ve been getting a lot of interest about Drupal Commerce. Many of our clients have raised various questions on how it works and if it’s the right choice for their product/website. Due to so many questions, we felt it’s the right time to write an eBook and let readers know why
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
Why Become a Drupal Developer
- READ TIME: 4 min, 27 sec
Drupal is a powerful CMS which helps in creating beautiful websites filled with powerful features. It’s one of the most popular, robust and secured platforms out there and, in our humble opinion, flexible for both business and consumer facing sites. In face, more and more enterprise level
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
Awesome Drupal Developers
- READ TIME: 5 min, 30 sec
Initially, I was quite nervous to talk to our Drupal developers, as they are the busiest people in the office. They have a reputation of delivering over 10 projects each quarter.That’s a lot! To understand how the team dynamics work, I decided to talk to three of our Drupal developers, all with
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
With Drupal 8 you need more than a Drupal developer
- READ TIME: 5 min, 36 sec
As the countdown for Drupal 8 release gets closer and closer, the excitement in the air is palatable!  Every customer we talk to and all our Drupal developers can’t wait to witness the promised greatness of D8. Many site owners are ready to make the transition as soon as it’s available to the
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
What's Happening In The Drupal Industry
- READ TIME: 3 min, 49 sec
Time to update your site – Drupal’s security update is out. Find more Drupal related updates, tutorials, modules and more that’s trending now! Drupal Security Update Released Drupal is out with the release of version 7.38 and 6.36. It’s a mandatory security update for all websites running on
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
Drupal Beta 8 Released - This Week In Drupal
- READ TIME: 2 min, 46 sec
The Drupal Community is alive and well! With the Drupal 8 release creeping closer, find out what activities are lined up and how you can contribute. Drupal 8 Beta Release Yet another Drupal 8 beta version is out - drupal 8.0.0-beta11. Developers and site builders are welcome to try the beta
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
Drupal Industry Highlights – This Week In Drupal
- READ TIME: 2 min, 38 sec
Drupal has had an exhaustive week with a massive LA DrupalCon. Let’s take a peek into the major industry happenings of the week. The Drupal Core Releases Even though Drupal 7.36 was out only last month, a follow up release has become mandatory. This is due to a particular regression, which
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
6 Questions To Ask A Drupal Developer To See If They Know Their Stuff
- READ TIME: 5 min, 23 sec
There are thousands of Drupal developers that claim to be an expert in Drupal and that they’re passionate about everything open source. Yet, despite lots of developer talent available in the market, identifying the right Drupal developer remains a very big challenge. Here at DrupalPartners, we
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
Drupal Backend 1
- READ TIME: 1 min, 58 sec
It’s been months of anticipation. We’ve put in hours, tears and too many spilled coffees to count. You’ve given suggestions, done the research, called, emailed and convinced until you’re blue in the face. But that doesn’t matter – because today is the day. Today is the day that you get your brand
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard
Drupal 8 – The Update For Everyone
- READ TIME: 2 min, 39 sec
As we inch towards the Drupal 8 release, Drupal enthusiasts are getting even more excited with with the long awaited launch. And for good reason - The update boasts over 200 new features and improvements, all focusing on better performance of the leading content management platform. Drupal 8
, Posted By: Jeffrey Wisard